Background gradient from blue to purple.

Graduate Research Assistant at UIUC

(Aug 2023 - Present)

Data Science for GIS

  • Enhanced Keeling's functionality, improving NCL and MATLAB code translation for advanced data retrieval and visualization by 30% through collaboration with a Postdoc
  • Orchestrated PyTorch's Distributed Data-Parallel to achieve a 10% performance boost in LSTM model processing, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency for more reliable long-term climatic projections
  • Curated multifaceted data from 100+ years of CSEM2 simulations, encompassing both historical data and future projections producing high-volume climatic simulation outputs
  • Crafted data processing pipelines using Dask to handle terabytes of raw data, reducing processing time by 60% while extracting crucial weather metrics
    Graduate Research Assistant at UIUC


    Gallery Photos
    Heatwave Temperature
    Gallery Photos
    Precipitation of US region
    Gallery Photos
    PDF of PRISM v/s WRF
    Gallery Photos
    Temperature of Specific Region
    Gallery Photos
    Temperature of US region
    Gallery Photos
    Difference Plots